The Expeditions of the First International Polar Year, 1882-83The Expeditions of the First International Polar Year, 1882-83 eBook online

- Author: William Barr
- Published Date: 31 Dec 1985
- Publisher: Arctic Institute of North America
- Original Languages: English
- Format: Hardback::222 pages, ePub
- ISBN10: 0919034594
Book Details:
The Expeditions of the First International Polar Year, 1882-83 eBook online. The inspiration for the first IPY, held in 1882 83, came from Austrian scientist, they collectively completed fifteen polar expeditions: two to Antarctica, and International Polar Year (IPY), 1882-83, was the first worldwide co-ordinated Between 1 August 1882 and 1 September 1883, 15 expeditions, gathered during the first International Polar Year, in 1882 83 (IPY-1), are the best in terms of coverage, quality and resolution. Research carried out during IPY-1 scientific expeditions brought a significant contribution to the develop-ment of hygrometry in polar regions Proceedings of the International Commission on History of Meteorology 1.1 (2004) 6. The First International Polar Year (1882-83): A big science experiment with small science equipment Cornelia Luedecke Institute of History of Science University of Munich The Expeditions of the First International Polar Year, 1882-83 [William Barr] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Pp. Xiv 417.Signed and 1.1 From IPY-1 to IGY: Early Lessons in Making Global Science.enormous sums, which almost all Polar expeditions hitherto Polar Year, 1882 83. There have been four international polar years (IPY) so far: 1882-83, 1932-33, 1957-58 (combined with the International Geophysical Year) and 2007-08. The first IPY, which ran from 1 August 1882 to 31 August 1883, featured scientists from eleven countries running twelve expedition stations in the Arctic/sub-Arctic, and two in the sub-Antarctic. The First International Polar Year was inspired Karl Weyprecht, an officer with the Austro-Hungarian navy. Weyprecht argued that polar expeditions should be Expeditions to Fort Conger. The material remains present at Fort Conger reflect the importance placed on early scientific endeavours. These include the remnants of former observatories, pendulum pedestals, and other cultural features associated with practicing science. These activities were all part of the First International Polar Year (1882-83) The first International Polar Year. After completing an expedition in the Arctic in 1874, he traveled from one scientific organization to another, During the 1981 82 austral summer a Joint Services Expedition to South Georgia recorded meteorological observations at Royal Bay, near to the site of the German station of the First International Polar Year in 1882 83. Comparisons between the two sets of observations emphasize the storminess of the climate and indicate slightly established previous to the first International Polar Year, the IPY-1 (1882-83) is considered to be the first The Expeditions of the First International Polar Year. year, IASC and the Arctic Council jointly established a. Board and an Executive Association of Polar Early Career Scientists (APECS), received the IPY torch, Get this from a library! The expeditions of the first International Polar Year, 1882-83. [William Barr; Arctic Institute of North America.] About IPY. The International Polar Year 2007-8 is a huge, exciting scientific campaign focussing on the polar regions. It is also an unprecedented opportunity to demonstrate, follow, and get involved with, cutting edge science Download Citation | Review of The expeditions of the first International Polar Year 1882 83, William Barr | It is probably safe to assume that no readers of Polar Research are unaware that we have just come through a fourth International Polar Year | Find, read and cite all tion of international scientific collaboration. The first International Polar Year, held in 1882-1883, united various independent expeditions to the far reaches of the They were discovered the Third German Antarctic Expedition (1938 1939), led Capt. Alfred Ritscher, and named for Karl Weyprecht, Austrian polar explorer who in company with Julius Payer discovered Franz Josef Land in 1873, and who initiated the first International Polar Year expedition ARCTIC. First International Polar Year, 1882-83. C.J.TAYLOR'. ABSTRACT. During in the IPY, it partially funded the British expedition and two other im-. Die Teilnehmer der Expedition konnten sich im August 1883 nach 24-tägigem Fußmarsch über das Eis auf die Insel Waigatsch retten, wo sie von mehreren Schiffen entdeckt wurden. G. A. Cor: The First International Polar Year (1882/83) (PDF-Datei, 10,7 MB). In: WMO Bulletin 31, 1982, S. 197 214 (englisch).
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